Think out loud, read out loud, speak out loud.

Republic Polytechnic’s @loud magazine (under Helicon) has been RP’s only student-run publication since 2004. 2009 has a fresh stride. A Digitalized @loud.

Now @loud has gone through a year of transformation and thus, publishing our new magazine in 2010; RepublicanPost (ReP). Student-initiated and student-led, @loud caters to students in RP and other polytechnics in Singapore, as well as to the public. We deal with issues ranging from youth and graduate issues, the latest fashion, movies, music, entrepreneurship, career ideas, to politics.

At @loud, when we want something to be done, we work together as a team to achieve our goal. We com from a diverse background and from all walks of lives, the @loud team is full of energy, is creative and is always bursting with ideas with its think-out-of-the-box nature.

Thus, our name A L(oad) O(f) U(tter) D(elirium).

July 2010
@Loud Online Launch

Latest: The ‘FRIEND’ly competition.
Monthly: August 2010

Chief Editor: Sakina Khaliq
Deputy Editor: Shaistah Munawar
Editor: Ng Si Ying Amandaz
Editor: Clara Lim Mei Xing
Editor: Teo Xing Zhi
Head Designer: Kenneth Pek
Webmaster: Yazier Nifail Hamzah.
Special thanks to: Khadijah Binte Rosli.
Basecodes: © Candycoatedmisery 2010

Contact us at:

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The ‘FRIEND’ly competition

Done by Aruna & Shadrina

The sky was full of dark, ragged clouds. Trees were swaying violently to the harsh winds. Lightning and thunder raged with fury. There were shrieks of panic as the clouds tore open and rain pelted down from the heavens above. I look away from the window, envious of the people frantically running for shelter.

Here, within the “safe” confinement of my room, a storm of a different kind is brewing. My best friends, Emma and Allie, were going head-to-head in another one of their explosive squabbles. As usual, I‘m caught in the crossfire. Things were not always like this between the three of us …

We had known each other from Secondary school. It feels like it was just yesterday and thinking about those precious memories always puts a smile on my face. We met during the first day of school. I remember seeing unfriendly faces and strict-looking teachers, thus I was relieved to find two friendly faces in the crowd. They were none other than Emma and Allie! We got to know each other and soon became inseparable.

When Secondary school finally came to an end, we promised to keep in touch with each other. Our friendship was unlike any other and I knew that life without them would be incomplete. I remember our first dabble with make-up, the talks about boys we knew, and even sex! They were like the sisters that I never had.

A loud crash brought me back to the present. Emma and Allie were still going on at each other. Things have not been the same since secondary school. We got into the same Polytechnic but were in different courses. Polytechnic life began and before long, Emma started hanging out with a different crowd. She would repeatedly back out from our outings and we seldom see her anymore.

That was how this whole issue came about. Emma’s new friends would tease her because they feel ‘superior’ to us. They kept intruding into our conversations and would pull Emma away from us. Allie seems indifferent about it but I know that it hurts her deep inside. Her façade finally broke when Emma abruptly stopped replying to our texts and calls. I have a hunch that things would get out of hand soon.

I need to do something to stop this meaningless feud. What should I do? Think, Lisa, think… @